Friday, October 16, 2009

News!!! - The Egyptian Flu -- i'm going to be a mummy. he he

Well, I'm hopefull enough to finally post. I'm 15 weeks pregnant. After three miscarriages I've been hesitant to announce. But the heart beat is strong, and I've made it to the second trimester which is good for me. I'm still sick but that's actually good, cause it shows i've got enough of the pregnancy hormones to keep the baby. However, the intensity is lessing in the morning. but by late afternoon I'm sick enough to feel confident that things are still ok. Weird, I know, but then stephie (my sister) always said I was weird. Love ya tons stephie.

Anyway I'm excited, and happy. This little spirit has been hanging around for a while now, and I'm sure is just so anxious to get here.


wurtz said...

So very exciting!

Cunningham Blog said...

Congrats, Leejean! I am very excited for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Keep us posted...

McBrides said...

yay for you guys--congratulations!!

Unknown said...

Yay Sis!! Love ay tons I'm so excited for you!

Melanie said...

Congrats! Way exciting...I am so happy for you guys!

Michelle Price said...

Congrats- I just heard about this at grandmas the other night. I didn't know about Stephanie or Whitney either. How fun to have such a rush of new little tiny ones all at once.

Holly said...

Congrats!!! That's so exciting! :) Hope everything continues to go well.